5 common Employment Law mistakes small businesses make in South Africa

Businesses in South Africa are subject to a variety of employment laws that are designed to protect the rights of employees.These Employees can be acted with the popi compliance plan also, that can be used in the personal law. However, it is not uncommon for small business owners to make mistakes when it comes to compliance with these laws. In this blog post we will discuss five common employment law mistakes that small businesses in South Africa make, and what steps can be taken to avoid them. 1: Failing to properly register employees with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases (COIDA) Fund. Employers are required by law to register their employees with the UIF and COIDA, and to make contributions to these funds on behalf of their employees. Failure to do so can result in significant fines and penalties. For loan purposes also loan contract sample for the employees. 2: Not providing employees with pro...